A creative Designer &Software Engineer


About Me

I am currently studing Software Engineering in Shahjalal University
of Science and Technology(SUST).I also a Web Developer. I
have passion for coding and problems solving. I like to work hard.

More About

My Skills

Here is my skills to represent my Expertise







Java Script


React js


Node js


Express js


Mongo DB


My Services

Web Development

i am a front-end web developer

i develop many corporate website and portfolio

i know HTML,CSS,Javascript,PHP

App Development

i develop expense manager app using android studio

i also develop Circle-Jumper game using android studio

I know Java,kotlin,Andriod studio,Firebase

Graphics Design

Highly skilled graphic designer with a strong passion for visual communication and a keen eye for detail. Proficient in creating visually captivating designs that effectively convey messages and engage audiences. Experienced in branding and identity design, print design, digital design

My Project

My Portfolio

this is my responsive portfolio website.here i describe my project,achievement,skill,contact.here i introduce my profile to all.



Snake Game

There are only two rules you must follow when playing: don't hit a wall and don't bite your own tail. Crashing into a wall or your tail will end the game immediately. Your high score is calculated based on the number of squares you added to the snake. You win the game when there is no more room for your snake to grow.



Circle-Jumper Game

Circle-Jumper is a fantasy java game. The goal of this game is to avoid obstacles and collect coins. The game character here is called as Monster and the circle as Planet. When the game starts Monster will be starting to walk on the planet and there will be obstacles and coins above the planet. The monster must overcome obstacles to collect coins and gain scores.


Framework and IDE:libGDX and Android Studio

Expense Manager App

this is my Expense Manager App.

This Expense manager app recording all your expenditures so you have a clear and detailed understanding of your budget. This is typically done for a certain project or over a certain period, so you can stay on budget and make any necessary adjustments.


Platform:Andriod Studio

Distributor Management System

Distributor Management Systems (DMS) are now a fundamental component in any consumer goods company’s route-to-market. They help manage the supply chain between Manufacturers and a myriad of Distributors by aligning retail activities, trade promotions, inventory, invoicing, claims, competitive insights and much more.


puzzle Game

Each player has a board, and all game pieces are piled on the playing table. The first player selects a number of game pieces, such as ten, and places those matching his board on his board, and those not matching are returned to the pile. The first player to complete a puzzle is the winner.

Language:c programming


500+ Problems Solved

i solved more than 500 problems in various platform


-Problems solved in CodeChef,Atcoder,HackerRank

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Get Scholar-Ships

.Secondary School Certificate(SSC)

Schoolarship-2017(Talent Pool)

Junior School Certificate(JSC)

(Talent Pool 2rd Position in Tarash Upazela,Sirajgonj)

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Mobile App Fastival

Perticipated in Participated in idea competition in Mobile App, Game and Job Festival 2023. hosted By Skill Development for Mobile Game & Application Project, ICT Division, Govt. of Bangladesh and organized by SUST .


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Contact Me

i am available for work. Contact with me via phone or email

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